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Ross J Benbow, PhD


Principal investigator

Dr. Ross J. Benbow is a researcher with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With a background in political science, international education and development, and comparative analysis, Dr. Benbow earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Educational Policy Studies. He specializes in ethnographic, social network, and mixed methods approaches to research, and as an analyst, consultant, teacher, and writer has shared his work in books—including Beyond the Skills Gap (2016), winner of the AAC&U Frederic W. Ness Book Award—and academic journals like the Harvard Education Review, the Journal of the Learning SciencesHigher Education, the Journal of College Student Development, and the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Dr. Benbow’s current research focuses on social and cultural transitions in domestic and international educational contexts, and he has a particular interest in patterns of inequity in colleges and universities

You-Geon Lee, PhD,


Co-Principal investigator

Dr. You-Geon Lee is a researcher with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Lee earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Educational Policy Studies with a specialization in sociology of education, and has focused on the study and development of evidence-based approaches to promote research innovation and address educational disparities. His research has a specific emphasis on improving undergraduate and graduate education in STEM and the STEMM workforce by addressing gender, racial, and socioeconomic inequity. Dr. Lee is also examining grant critiques within the National Institutes of Health to detect potential gender or racial stereotype bias in the grant peer review process. His research is supported by the National Science Foundation and can be found in publications including the Review of Higher EducationAcademic Medicine, the Journal of Women’s Health, and CBE-Life Science Education. Dr. Lee served as an Armed Forces Information and Education Officer in the Republic of Korea Army from 1999 to 2002.

Matthew Wolfgram, PhD


Co-Principal investigator

Dr. Matthew Wolfgram is an anthropologist of education and education researcher at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. His research employs ethnography, participatory action research, and other qualitative research methods to study factors that impact the educational experiences of minoritized college students. His recent publications are featured in International Journal of Qualitative Studies in EducationHarvard Education ReviewTeachers College Record, Journal of Education and WorkAction Research, and Anthropology & Education Quarterly. In addition to his work on VETWAYS, Dr. Wolfgram is currently leading a study examining the STEM experiences of Hmong undergraduates across Wisconsin.

Xin Xie


Graduate Assistant

Xin Xie is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ms. Xie holds a dual Master’s degree in Language and Literacy Education (LLE) and Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, and Research Technology (SMART) from the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on mixed-method education program evaluation, education equity, teacher labor markets, and organizational disparities.
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